Sunday, December 8, 2019

Changing Perspectives free essay sample

Abigail McNeely Changing Perspective People, especially diverse people of contemporary times commonly look at other people, situations, or life events with different perspectives. Sometimes looking at other people, situations, and life events with different perspectives cause people to make snap judgments without factual knowledge. Contributors such as personal beliefs, religion, culture, mood, personality, and relative situations can influence an interpretation of a person or event, cause a snap judgment, or possibly change another perspective.Other contributors that add influence to the common influences of perspectives and judgments are environments and life satisfaction. Consider the following scenario that two people may view differently: An elderly Caucasian women and man, for example, rent apartments in a small Caucasian village. An interracial (Black and White) couple with three children respond to the advertisement for one of the elderly couple’s three bedroom apartments. When the responding couple arrives to view the apartment the elderly man hands the couple a rental application and says â€Å"We will let you know about the apartment after we review the application. The elderly women however demonstrates a willingness to rent the apartment immediately to the family. After the meeting the elderly man states â€Å"I do not believe they are the type of people to rent to† and the women states â€Å"just because they are multiracial does not mean they will not be good tenants. † The man in this situation appears to make a snap judgment concerning the possible tenancy in relation to that the family is multiracial whereas the women is looking at the tenancy without considering multiracialism.Viewing the apartment rental scenario from the elderly man’s perspective can include one or more influences. For example the elderly man’s personal perspective can reflect beliefs such as multiracialism represents the pollution of the white race or designating Blacks to a lower status than Whites. These beliefs include thoughts of the family neglecting the apartment or failing to pay the rent. These beliefs open the possibility of using the application as a reference to abolish or enhance these thoughts.The man’s personal beliefs may even go deeper for instance in Sweden â€Å"Race realists often argue that innate, genetically rooted differences in intelligence and individual character help explain both interracial relations and culture/behavioral differences between all races† (Elliot Lake News Views, 2001). Whether the man’s views stem from an example of personal beliefs, which are innate through learning experiences or a genetic inheritance that reflects personality, the snap judgment can stem from one or more of these influences.Because innate or genetic influences reflect individual personality, a disruption in mood is a possibility in considering the man’s perspective. However, other mood alteration with no relevance to personality is possib le too. Additionally, the couple are elderly and are likely to learn from other situations and experiences. The elderly man may base his views on a previous people, situations, and experiences with multiracialism such as news stories concerning racism and violence or here say from fellow landlords.Religiously the man’s perspective may be as simple as this type of situation goes against the grain of his religious beliefs. From the women’s perspective the influences that play a role can be a result of changing perspectives and discrimination is an exclusion to the apartment tenancy. The woman may have more knowledge about changing times and that her husband builds his views about Blacks living and financial situations according to significant poverty levels of Blacks. Although her personal beliefs can be significantly opposite of the man’s personal beliefs.Diversity from a personal perspective may intrigue the elderly woman. For instance, many individuals who accept diversity may enjoy learning and comparing diverse cultures or believe a combination of races enhances be auty inside and out. The woman’s personal beliefs can be innate from learning experiences or a genetic inheritance that reflects her personality type. Innate learning experiences or genetic inheritances of accepting people of any race is possible in making a snap judgment to rent the apartment to the multiracial family.The family inquiring about the apartment rental may have an influence regarding the woman’s mood too. Something in the situation such as politeness and enjoying the company of the children in the family may have set the motion for the woman’s mood. Another spark in the woman’s mood can be a reflection of her own children and family situations. Remembering her past, for example, maybe the woman and her husband are immigrants from the Old World and difficulties with living arrangements were part of her early family experiences.Another example of personal experience can be knowledge to a similar situation quite rewarding in one way or another. Religiously the woman in the scenario can similarly view the situation as going against the grain but from a different perspective such as going against the grain of her higher power and accepting all individuals. Many factors contribute to what influences individual perspectives and subsequent judgments according to the perspectives. Commonly one influence can lead to another influence, for example, innateness, and genetics can reflect personal beliefs, personality, culture, or religion.Coincidentally, personality can reflect mood and relative situations. On the other hand, mood, and relative situations can reflect personal beliefs, personality, culture, or religion. Individualism is vastly diverse and sometimes the aspects of individualism such as perspectives and snap judgments is a reflection of one’s well-being. Shaping one’s well-being does not only depend on innate or genetic factors but environmental aspects life satisfaction are inclusive to well-being. Individual happiness fosters counterpart happiness, for example, the man in the situation may not endure happiness therefore he is not able to foster counterpart happiness. â€Å"Happiness is one of life’s most important goals† (Bolt, pg. 123, 2004). However, â€Å"Gender, age, race, formal education, and income level seem to make little difference in people’s level of happiness† (Bolt, pg. 123, 2004). The different views between the man and woman renting the apartment can have significant relevance to individual happiness and the fostering environments of happiness.In the long term the woman may encourage the man to change his perspective on the multiracial family through her own well-being because some individuals need people to aide in fostering a personal well-being.

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